How many grams are lost from the rough diamond to the finished diamond? Diamond rough cutting loss

The rough diamonds mined in nature are rough diamonds. In order to become the finished brilliant diamonds sold in jewelry stores, it has to go through a series of cutting and polishing processes, and in this process, there will be indefinite losses. According to related knowledge, the loss of rough diamonds to finished diamonds is …

How many grams are lost from the rough diamond to the finished diamond? Diamond rough cutting loss Read More »

Automatic broken drill screening (AMS2)

The AMS2 (Automated Melee Screening) instrument provided by the De Beers Group Industry Service Department represents a major technological advancement in the field of drilling and screening. As the crystallization of De Beers Group's world-leading expertise in diamond research, this is a revolutionary testing technology, and its submission rate for further testing is much lower …

Automatic broken drill screening (AMS2) Read More »

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds Lab-grown diamonds have the same crystal structure, chemical composition, optical properties, and physical properties as mined diamonds: the carbon atoms are arranged in a cubic crystal structure. And cultivated diamonds and mined diamonds of the same quality cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.Natural diamonds are good and bad. …

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds Read More »

International design and customization of rough diamonds

International design and customization of rough diamonds Generally speaking, the jewels we see have been carefully polished and redesigned, but the jewels made of rough diamonds show the original appearance of the diamond. The unpolished rough jewels have a special original beauty, and then they are refined and refined. The design reveals ingenuity in the …

International design and customization of rough diamonds Read More »


《DIAMONDS ROUGH TO ROMANCE》     Stronger brightness can compensate for the lack of color This octahedral diamond crystal was found in the Mbuji Mayi region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its surface has corrosion pits, giving it a jagged appearance, just like a saw blade. Mbuji Mayi is located near the center of …


Is this a rough diamond?

Is this a rough diamond? Diamond, also known as diamond, the mineral name is diamond. Its chemical composition is carbon, which is the only one composed of a single element in gemstones and belongs to the equiaxed crystal system. (1) Seven basic styles The crystal structure of diamond is very complicated, but there are mainly …

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