Is this a rough diamond?

Is this a rough diamond? berlian, also known as diamond, the mineral name is diamond. Its chemical composition is carbon, which is the only one composed of a single element in gemstones and belongs to the equiaxed crystal system. (1) Seven basic styles The crystal structure of diamond is very complicated, but there are mainly

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2021 International Jewelry Summit Forum held in Shanghai

Baru-baru ini, itu 2021 International Jewelry Summit Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Summit Forum), one of the supporting activities of the 4th China International Import Expo, was grandly held in Shanghai. Xiao Guiyu, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, dr. Palitha TBKohona, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to China, Chairman of

2021 International Jewelry Summit Forum held in Shanghai Baca selengkapnya »

Api yang kuat, harga yang sangat baik, pilihan yang kuat, pilihan konsumen baru

(1) Strong fire color As we all know, alasan penting untuk popularitas berlian adalah karena mereka memiliki warna api yang kuat. Namun, dengan potongan berkualitas tinggi, warna api berlian sintetis lebih kuat dan lebih terang dari berlian alami. (2) Cheap price According to a recent report by the Financial Times, …

Api yang kuat, harga yang sangat baik, pilihan yang kuat, pilihan konsumen baru Baca selengkapnya »

The history of cultivating diamonds in Chinese laboratories

As De Beers announced its entry into the cultivating diamond jewelry industry market in 2018, China's cultivating diamond source industry ushered in a new life. Through independent research and development, overcoming the technical barriers of catalyst formulations and equipment, innovating and synthesizing large particles of "berlian perhiasan" ( Also known as "jewel-grade diamonds"), it has

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Has the global supply of cultivated diamonds exceeded demand?

At the beginning of December 2021, the global production and market demand for cultivated diamonds have caused some phenomena. The inventory on the hands of intermediary players has increased significantly, and the price of rough and cultivated diamonds has gradually decreased, although the recent production of rough and the volume of global cultivated diamond market

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