自動斷鑽篩選 (AMS2)

AMS2 (自動混戰篩選) 戴比爾斯集團行業服務部提供的儀器代表了鑽井和篩分領域的重大技術進步. 作為戴比爾斯集團世界領先的鑽石研究專業知識的結晶, 這是一項革命性的測試技術, and its submission rate for further testing is much lower

自動斷鑽篩選 (AMS2) 閱讀更多 »

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds Lab-grown diamonds have the same crystal structure, 化學成分, 光學特性, and physical properties as mined diamonds: the carbon atoms are arranged in a cubic crystal structure. And cultivated diamonds and mined diamonds of the same quality cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.Natural diamonds are good and bad. …

Common consumer misunderstandings about laboratory-grown diamonds 閱讀更多 »


International design and customization of rough diamonds Generally speaking, 我們看到的珠寶都經過精心打磨和重新設計, 但由毛坯鑽石製成的珠寶顯示了鑽石的原始外觀. 未打磨的原石有一種特別的原始美, 然後他們被提煉和提煉. The design reveals ingenuity in the

國際設計與定制毛坯鑽石 閱讀更多 »


《DIAMONDS ROUGH TO ROMANCE》 Stronger brightness can compensate for the lack of color This octahedral diamond crystal was found in the Mbuji Mayi region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 其表面有腐蝕坑, 給它一個鋸齒狀的外觀, 就像鋸片一樣. Mbuji Mayi is located near the center of

《粗糙到浪漫的鑽石》 閱讀更多 »