
鑽石重量: 5.02ct The carat is the international standard unit of measurement for diamonds and gemstones, 和 1 克拉等於 200 毫克或 0.2 克. 克拉重量專門用於計算鑽石重量, 僅靠克拉重量無法準確反映鑽石的視覺尺寸. We recommend considering carat weight along with

鑽石4C專業解讀 閱讀更多 »

10 small steps to teach you to understand the GIA certificate of cultivated diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are called lab-grown diamonds, which means diamonds grown in a laboratory. 現在, two common production methods are usually used in the entire lab-grown diamond market: HTP (高溫高壓) 和化學氣相沉積 (化學氣相沉積). ), although cultivated in the laboratory, the principle is the same as that of natural diamonds. …

10 small steps to teach you to understand the GIA certificate of cultivated diamonds 閱讀更多 »