
Some truth about lab grown diamonds vs cubic zirconia

Synthetic can mean artificial, or even fake. Synthetic can also mean artificial, copied, unreal, or even imitated. So what do we mean by "synthetic diamonds" in this case? In the field of gemology, synthesis is a highly technical term. Technically, synthetic gemstones are artificial crystals with the same crystal structure and chemical composition as the …

Some truth about lab grown diamonds vs cubic zirconia Read More »

Visual identification of rough diamonds

The naked eye identification of rough diamonds should start from the following aspects: (1) Observe the gloss Because a diamond has a special diamond luster, it is an important feature to distinguish other colorless and transparent minerals (or materials). Although some artificial materials are close to diamonds in some physical and chemical properties, they can …

Visual identification of rough diamonds Read More »

The lab grown diamond price is very cheap! Why is no one willing to buy it?

The claim that lab grown diamonds are cheaper is a bit exaggerated, but they are cheaper than natural diamonds. The so-called no one buys lab diamonds? At present, the foreign market has a high acceptance of cultivated diamonds, and the domestic market has a certain audience. It depends more on whether we know what a …

The lab grown diamond price is very cheap! Why is no one willing to buy it? Read More »

If I'm being honest with you about diamonds, the chances of a pothole are zero.

In 2018, the first year of Chinese diamond cultivation, the three-year boom accounted for almost half of the world's total production. As a consumer, it is a new thing. What is it really like to grow a diamond? With every new thing comes a bumper harvest of leeks. If we grow diamonds, let's be honest, …

If I'm being honest with you about diamonds, the chances of a pothole are zero. Read More »