(1) CVD技術先進, 純度高但​​顏色差, 所以它被用於高科技領域: 大粒徑: 現在, 所有1.5ct以上的裸鑽均採用CVD技術生產; 色差: 為了提高生產能力, manufacturers will add nitrogen to accelerate the growth of

HPHT和CVD的技術比較 閱讀更多 »

Are these uncut white diamonds?

一般來說, the diamond pictured above, also known as diamond, has the mineral name diamond. Its chemical composition is carbon, the only single element in the gemstone, which belongs to the equiaxed crystal system. (1) Seven basic modes The crystal structure of diamonds is very complex, but there are three main types: (1) tetrahedron, (2) …

Are these uncut white diamonds? 閱讀更多 »