
實際上, 無論是天然鑽石還是人工培育的鑽石, 他們的產業鏈並不復雜. 簡單來說, 上游負責開採或生產毛坯鑽石, 中間負責切割和打磨, 下游負責製造和銷售珠寶. 天然金剛石開採權受控, with the top five

培育鑽石的產業鏈 閱讀更多 »

Polished diamond market calm, rough diamond prices remain high

The finished product market is quiet in the off-season. Jewelry retailers are optimistic about the market in the second half of the year, despite U.S. inflation hitting a high of 9.1% in June. The primary market price of rough diamonds remained stable at the note fair. The processing layer competes to purchase rough diamonds from

Polished diamond market calm, rough diamond prices remain high 閱讀更多 »


最近, 很多朋友問過, "是實驗室培育的鑽石 (人造鑽石) 只是莫桑石 (碳化矽)?" 然而, 答案是不, 實驗室製造鑽石 (人造鑽石) 不是莫桑石 (碳化矽)! 莫桑石, 也被稱為莫桑石, 實際上是合成碳化矽 (化學式SiC). 在 1893, 法國科學家博士. Henri Mossian discovered silicon carbide in the canyon

實驗室鑽石不是莫桑石. 閱讀更多 »