how do lab grown diamond testers work?

According to the different fluorescence patterns of polished diamond samples, the identification results were obtained. The DiamondSure tester is used as an example to illustrate its working principle.

DiamondSure is a rapid natural diamond screening instrument that can identify naturally polished diamonds or recommend further analysis of uncertain samples. DiamondSure can detect colorless - buff polished diamonds (Cape series) weighing from 0.10 til 10 kt, but cannot distinguish between optimized diamonds such as laser drilling, irradiation, intercalation, and heat treatment.

DiamondSure is designed to detect the 415.5nm absorption spectrum caused by N3 in natural diamonds. More than 98 percent of natural diamonds have this absorption line. The use of this instrument is very simple. Place the polished sample countertop down on the detector. Then the instrument will automatically detect and analyze the visible light absorption spectrum of the sample. A few seconds later, the results will appear on the screen. If "Passed" is displayed, the sample is a natural diamond and no further testing is required. The display "Refer for further tests" indicates that the sample requires further testing, and only about 1% of natural diamonds require further testing, including rare Type II diamonds and a small number of type I diamonds. The instrument can also accurately distinguish between HTHP-treated diamonds, CVD synthetic diamonds and diamond imitations (such as synthetic carbonite), thus facilitating further detection.

DiamondSure tester

DiamondView is an excellent complement to DiamondSure. Diamond samples that cannot be identified by DiamondSure may be further tested by DiamondView. Ud over, the DiamondView can be used as a test instrument alone. The principle of DiamondView is to obtain identification results based on the different fluorescence patterns of polished diamond samples. DiamondView's components include a computer and display screen, a camera device, vacuum tweezers, and other auxiliary components.

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