Confronto dello standard 4C di diamanti grezzi coltivati ​​in laboratorio e diamanti naturali

Artificial rough diamonds, also commonly referred to as synthetic diamonds or laboratory-grown diamonds, are produced by simulating the diamond formation process in the natural environment using artificial manufacturing techniques such as high temperature and pressure or chemical vapor deposition. Rispetto ai diamanti naturali, rough diamonds have some differences in appearance and physical properties, the following is the 4C standard comparison between them:

Colore: The color of natural diamonds is determined by the impurity elements contained in them, such as nitrogen, boron, eccetera. The colors are usually divided into colorless, giallo chiaro, light brown, eccetera. Rough diamonds are produced in different colors by adding specific impurity elements, such as yellow, blue, rosa, eccetera. The color of rough diamonds can be precisely controlled as desired.

Chiarezza: Internal and surface blemishes in diamonds known as inclusions and blemishes are often referred to as clarity. The clarity of a natural diamond is determined by the natural conditions in which it was formed, while the clarity of a rough diamond is determined by the techniques used in its manufacture. Rough diamonds are generally purer than natural diamonds because they are manufactured in a controlled environment that avoids contamination and blemishes that occur naturally.

Tagliare: A diamond's cut is very important to its optical performance and appearance. The cut of a natural diamond is usually determined by the shape and characteristics of the rough diamond, while the cut of a rough diamond can be precisely controlled according to the design requirements to ensure its optical performance and appearance.

Peso in carati (Carato): Carat is the unit of diamond weight, and the weight of natural diamonds and rough diamonds can be expressed in carats. Because rough diamonds are man-made, they can be produced in a variety of sizes, as large or small as desired.

Generalmente, rough diamonds and natural diamonds are different in appearance and physical properties, but rough diamonds can be precisely controlled and manufactured according to needs, and can provide high-quality, low-cost diamond options, which are very valuable. replacement of.

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