يستطيع 3 إلى 4 يتم تلوين قيراط سي في دي من الألماس الخام?

CVD (ترسيب الأبخرة الكيميائية) يتم إنشاء الماس في بيئة معملية وعادة ما يتم التحكم في لونه أثناء عملية النمو. معظم ماس CVD يكون عديم اللون تقريبًا أو مصفر اللون, على غرار الماس التقليدي الموجود في الطبيعة. لكن, من الممكن نظريًا إدخال اللون أثناء عملية النمو, ولكن هذا ليس شائعا.

For some manufacturers there is the ability to customize growth conditions to produce diamonds with the desired color. Availability of colored الماس CVD may be limited compared to traditional colorless or near-colorless diamonds.

There are several main ways to color diamonds:

Traditional diamond color optimization method: An ancient treatment method is to apply a thin layer of bluish substance with a high refractive index on the surface of the diamond, which can improve the color of colorless diamonds by 1-2 levels. Some even apply colorless nail polish directly.

HPHT high-pressure high-temperature method: Diamonds are annealed under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions to repair yellow-brown, tan, and brown type IIa diamond crystal defects, causing the diamonds to fade and form high-color diamonds; or this method can also be used Turn colorless diamonds into visually "colored diamonds", such as pink diamonds, blue diamonds, green diamonds, yellow diamonds or blue, إلخ.

Coating method for colorless diamonds: CVD coating is a new technology for optimizing the color of diamonds. عمومًا, the crown of type Ia faceted diamond is coated with a layer of synthetic sky blue with a thickness of several to dozens of microns using chemical vapor deposition. Diamond film to imitate natural blue diamonds; this color treatment can only be identified in professional laboratories.

Radiation color changing method: Radiation color changing uses radiation irradiation to change the color of the stone, which can be called a permanent color changing method. Irradiation can produce different color centers, thereby changing the color of diamonds. Irradiated diamonds can appear in almost any color, such as blue diamonds and green. لكن, this radiation color-changing method is only suitable for colored diamonds with poor color. For diamonds above K color grade, it is impossible to use this method to improve the color grade.

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