2021 International Jewelry Summit Forum held in Shanghai

Recentemente, the 2021 International Jewelry Summit Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Summit Forum), one of the supporting activities of the 4th China International Import Expo, was grandly held in Shanghai. Xiao Guiyu, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, Dr. Palitha TBKohona, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to China, Chairman of the China Jewelry Industry Association [hereinafter referred to as China Treasure Association], Ministry of Natural Resources Jewelry Jade Jewelry Management Center (National Jewelry and Jade Quality Supervision and Inspection Center NGTC) [hereinafter referred to as National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC)] Party Secretary and Director, National Jewelry and Jade Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC298) Chairman Ye Zhibin, Donghao Lansheng Group President Li Dong, Vice Chairman of World Diamond Trading Alliance and President of Shanghai Diamond Exchange Lin Qiang and other guests delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the summit.

This summit forum is guided by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, China Jewelry Industry Association, Jewelry Management Center of Ministry of Natural Resources (National Jewelry and Jade Quality Supervision and Inspection Center NGTC), Donghao Lansheng Group, Shanghai Diamond Exchange, China Treasure Jointly sponsored by 5 institutions of the Jade Trading Center, representatives of some major jewelry and jade producing countries, national embassies and consulates, the International Jewelry Association, and professional service organizations participated in the summit forum, and old and new friends gathered in the "cloud".

Discuss and jointly build the "engine" of standardization development

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Xiao Guiyu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, delivered a welcome speech. He said that China is currently actively implementing a standardization strategy. The important platform of the jewelry industry will promote the standardization cooperation of the global jewelry industry as the goal, and use standards to promote innovative development, coordinated development, green development, open development, and shared development. We are willing to work with countries around the world to deepen standard cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, and Improve the international standard system.

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In his speech, Ye Zhibin, President of the China Treasure Association, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of the National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC), and Chairman of the National Jewelry and Jade Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC298) pointed out that China Treasure Union National Inspection and Quarantine (NGTC) has participated in China’s jewelry and jade jewelry. An important force in the construction, implementation, and publicity of the standard system is to strengthen the research on key technical standards of the jewelry industry, improve the technology standard innovation and industrial standardization level of the jewelry industry, improve the standard transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements in the jewelry field, and establish the linkage between major jewelry technology projects and standardization work The mechanism and other aspects have made historic contributions. In the next step, we will continue to unite and lead colleagues in the jewelry industry, based on the new development stage, implement new development concepts, and build a new development pattern. With the theme of promoting high-quality development of the jewelry industry, we will further optimize the standardized governance structure of jewelry and jade, enhance governance efficiency, and improve The level of internationalization has made due contributions to building a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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After the opening ceremony, H.E.Jan Hoogmartens, Belgian Ambassador to China, H.E.Luca Ferrari, Italian Ambassador to China, Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri, Chairman of the International Jewellery Federation (CIBJO), and ASEAN Jewellery Association (AGJA) Chairman Chen Su Dipeng (Suttipong Damrongsakul), Malaysian Goldsmiths Association Advisor Ermin Siow (Ermin Siow), Myanmar Jewelry Association Vice-Chairman Dr. Aung and other foreign guests gave speeches online and participated in exchanges.

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Conspiracy to talk about the "blueprint" of standardization development

At the summit forum, Dr. Yang Lixin, Director of the Standardization Department of the National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC), Secretary-General of the National Jewelry and Jade Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC298), Secretary-General of the Asia Pacific Jewelry Standardization Technology Alliance (AGA), and Director of the International Jewelry Federation, Chen Yu, Executive Vice President of China Gemstone Trading Center gave a speech on the in-depth international standardization cooperation and the sustainable development of the gemstone supply chain.

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Dr. Yang Lixin introduced the working mechanism of the Asia-Pacific Gemstone and Technology Standardization Alliance (AGA-Asia-Pacific Gemstone and Technology Standardization Alliance) and the ongoing laboratory comparisons with the title of "AGA-led Gemstone Testing Laboratory Standards Comparison Work in the Asia-Pacific". Regarding the work, he proposed that AGA will carry out in-depth technical exchanges and cooperation, organize the development and implementation of standards, and actively expand AGA members.

Sunshine and sustainable development of the gemstone supply chain has become the future development trend of the industry, which is the consensus of most companies. Chen Yu, Executive Vice President of China Jewelry Trading Center, introduced in a special speech on "New Economy, New Business Forms, New Models and Global Jewelry Development and Prospects" that the national standards of jewelry and jade traceability services under review are being reviewed and linked to the International Jewelry Federation. (CIBJO), the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC) and the United Nations Sustainable Development 17 goals and other international leading standards, its introduction will fill the gap in China's national standards in related fields, and promote future international jewelry trade cooperation.

Sharing and win-win standardization development "fruits"

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National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC), as China’s organization responsible for promoting the construction of standardization system, standard revision, and standard internationalization in the field of jewelry and jade, undertakes the relevant work responsibilities of the Secretariat of the National Jewelry and Jade Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC298) and is involved in the field of jewelry and jade. Effective work has been carried out, which has played an important role in promoting the quality and efficiency upgrade of my country's jewelry and jade industry and the healthy development of the jewelry and jade market. National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC) Shanghai Laboratory Consultant Dr. Liu Houxiang, National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC) Beijing Jewelry Research Institute Director Zhang Jian, National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC) Technical Quality Senior Engineer Li Haibo, National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC) Beijing Jewelry Research Dr. Han Wen focuses on the comparison of the standards of gem testing laboratories in the Asia-Pacific region, the research on the “Diamond Price System” and the “China Diamond Price Index” of China’s “Diamond Grading” standard, China’s diamond standard system and its impact on the market, Chinese and foreign jewelry and jade The progress of national standards interoperability and the internationalization of emerald standards were exchanged.

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At the summit forum, the launching ceremony of the international jewelry standardization cooperation and the signing ceremony of the diamond price system and China diamond price index research and development cooperation projects were also held.

The summit forum unanimously agreed that it is necessary to further promote the establishment and improvement of the internationalization of jewelry standards, build a reliable, sustainable, transparent, and open international supply chain traceability system, enhance the integration and intercommunication of international jewelry standards, and help the global jewelry trade. Coordinated development brings strong new impetus to the global jewelry industry.

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Also present at the summit were Liang Zhenjie, Chairman of the China Treasure Association, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the National Jewelry Inspection (NGTC), Luo Zhisong, Chief Economist of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Ni Hua, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Diamond Gems and Jade Trading Joint Management Office, and Donghao Lansheng Group Vice President Hua Wei, Founder Huang Yunfang of China Gemstone Trading Center, Song Hongmin, Director of China Gemstone Trading Center, Yuan Wenyao, Vice President of Shanghai Diamond Exchange, Qian Zhenfeng, Executive Chairman and Secretary-General of Shanghai Gemstone Industry Association, and Sri Lanka in China Brigadier General Servester Pereira, Minister Counselor of the Embassy, Nawab Ali Rahoojo, Deputy Consul General of Pakistan in Shanghai, Daniel Cruz, Consul General of Colombia in Shanghai, Augusto Di Giacinto, Director of the Shanghai Branch of the Italian Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Bruno JANS, Consul General of Belgium in Shanghai Nearly 200 people including JEERANUNHIRUNYASUMLITH, Commercial Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Thailand in Shanghai, Wang Jingzhi, General Manager of the Natural Diamond Association, and Ye Xiang, Director of Market Development of the International Platinum Association, attended the event. Allo stesso tempo, nearly 12,000 jewelry enthusiasts watched online through the NGTC+ live broadcast room.

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