الماس المزروع في المختبر مقابل المويسانتي

على عكس المويسانتي والزركون (زركونيا مكعب), وهي من الماس المقلد, لا يمكن التعرف على الماس المزروع والماس الطبيعي بالعين المجردة أو بمعدات بسيطة. يتطلب أدوات احترافية لتقييم الماس المزروع بشكل شامل من خلال التحليل الطيفي, أنماط نمو البلورات, التلألؤ الكاثودى, وطرق أخرى. Although cubic zirconia and moissanite are similar to diamonds in appearance and optical properties, they are quite different in physical properties and chemical composition, so they are pseudo diamonds.

The difference between cultivated diamonds and moissanite is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

· Crystal structure: الماس المزروع في المختبر "مكعب", moissanite "hexagonal"

· Chemical structure: الماس المزروع في المختبر "ج", moissanite "sic"

· Dispersion rate: الماس المزروع في المختبر "0.044", مويسانيتي "0.104"

· Refractive index: الماس المزروع في المختبر "2.42", moissanite "2.65"

· Density: الماس المزروع في المختبر "3.52", مويسانيتي "3.21"

· Hardness: الماس المزروع في المختبر "10", moissanite "9.25"

Taking natural diamonds as a reference, cultivated diamonds are superior to moissanite, the main reason is that cultivated diamonds = real diamonds, while moissanite is a man-made "جوهرة" that is completely different from diamonds and is sold using diamonds as a springboard.

Lab-grown diamonds become an affordable luxury

Because of their price advantage, cultivated diamonds have more abundant consumption scenarios. They can not only be used as diamond substitutes but also penetrate into the high-end jewelry and mass jewelry markets. They are both practical and fashionable.

مقارنة بالماس الطبيعي, the price of lab-grown diamonds has a greater price advantage, which can seize the existing market share of natural diamonds, attract price-sensitive people with weaker affordability, and push lab-grown diamonds further into fashion categories with growth potential.

With the improvement of residents’ living standards and people’s willingness to improve their quality of life after the epidemic, cultivated diamonds meet the needs of consumers due to their cost-effective, fashionable, and customizable advantages. In the future, with the increase in the frequency of consumption of diamonds and the penetration of cultivated diamonds With the improvement of production rate, the terminal consumption market of nurturing diamonds is expected to further expand.

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